Valentine's Day-DIY

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


Valentine's Day is almost here and to celebrate ten friends and I are going to Red Lobster. (Oh yes and my husband of course) It seems like a weird way to celebrate a day of LOVE but I can't think of a more fun group of people that I want to hang out with for that day. We are going to try and get dressed up for that event so people can say "Aren't they a little too old to be going to prom?" I pulled out my prom dress from my junior year out of the cobwebs in my closet and am going to squeeze into that sucker tonight. I am not someone to keep clothing for too long so the fact that my dress from 2002 has kept with me this long is a miracle. I wanted to scour the Internet for some Valentine's DIY ideas and I came across a few that I enjoyed so you can enjoy. I would LOVE to see pictures from what others are doing for their special day; even if that means having a singles date night to just dance and be silly. The last picture I have a soft spot for because I mean that Chihuahua is dressed up as a lobster. Too perfect. Lastly I am obsessed with doing three different shades of lipstick on top, different in the middle, and different on the bottom.

felt hearts/glitter/paper clip
Handmade Heart Cards



Open Back Sweaters

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

I have a new obsession called the Open Back Sweater. I just bought one myself and I appreciate the versatility in the sweater for either winter or spring ensembles. They bring just the right amount of sexy while still keeping your bits covered if you know what I mean :) I think they accentuate the nicest asset in most girls and that is their gorgeous backs; no matter what size a girl is their back is something beautiful everyone has in common. I want to post a DIY way to make an Open Back Sweater for girls needing to re-purpose their wardrobes but not spend a ton of money to do so. Let's explore a few of my favorite open back sweaters/shirts lately:

I really love the simplicity of this last sweater with her leather pants and wonderful short hairdo. A very chic ensemble with just the right amount of minimalism to pay equal amounts of attention to all parts of her outfit. If any of my readers have open back sweaters of theirs they'd like to share I would potentially feature them on my blog. E-mail me!




Monday, February 11, 2013

Happy Monday!

This morning wasn't what I would call "happy" per say since I had to drive from Wichita to Kansas City. Upon waking up at 4:15 am to get ready/drive/ and get to work at 8:30 am I forgot that I used a different contact lens solution. I borrowed my parent's since I forgot mine at home and needless to say my eye felt like I had poured straight vinegar in them. After that debacle I had to let my eyes stop looking like I was a stoner and then flush them out with water. SOOOO...I made it back to Kansas City and my eyes have finally recovered. Enough about my "Case of the Mondays" let's talk about jewelry.

Looking at the website: I stumbled upon this lovely jewelry design duo/husband and wife for JOOMI LIM. You can buy their collection at Opening Ceremony and my favorite piece is only $75.00 which is a steal for Opening Ceremony. What I wouldn't give for the blue necklace with all that beadwork in the middle; doesn't it remind you of an elaborate peacock feather? I am trying to invest in more "unique" and non costume jewelry pieces to avoid it deteriorating and not maintaining any value. Do you like their stuff? Check out Opening Ceremonies website for articles title 'Shop Talk' to see more of their stuff and discover other artists in their studios. I HEART IT!

Joomi Lim & Xavier Ricolfi

Shop Talk: Joomi & Xavier of Joomi Lim
Xavier's 3-D design of the faceted skulls from Fall 2011, Immortal Beloved 
(see above and below). 



(All images by Khira Jordan from her article Fri, May 13, 2011 OC Shop Talk: Joomi & Xavier of Joomi Lim)

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Hello Saturday,

I'm back in Wichita, KS my hometown hanging out with my family. My mom is so sweet still giving my sister and I Valentine Day baskets even though we are both way older these days. I love receiving them so I hope she nevers stops giving them to us :) She got me the box set of Audrey Hepburn's greatest movies.

My hubbie and I are trying to watch more classic films so I'm excited to watch all three of these from one of my favorite actresses. My mom got me some new silly socks to wear and a really great knuckle ring. I haven't been adventurous to buy one of these yet but my mom is always above the trends. I can't until Valentine's Day so I hope to give you a few gift ideas ladies/gentlemen. I'm still brewing up a few but wouldn't guys love this traveling bar set? (Remember drink responsibly :)