Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kansas City. Show all posts

Middle of the Map Festival 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014


So one of my absolute favorite things about Kansas City is Middle of the Map Festival. My great friends Nathan Reusch and Chris Haghirian started this festival and it has been going strong for a couple of years. This year was my first time at SXSW but I have to say I enjoyed MOTMfest much more. One of my favorite bands Big Black Delta performed and I turned into a 14 year old girl screaming/singing to every Big Black Delta song. Yes, I totally was "THAT GIRL." I hope that MOTM keeps its local vibe while still maintain all the big acts it needs to pull in each year to make a good investment.

I have more photos of the event to post but wanted to get started on a series of three blog posts dedicated to that fun day. I meant to document more of my outfits I wore around Westport to the concerts but I was having too much fun getting into trouble. Enjoy this post for now until post two and three make their appearance. Thanks for continuing to follow my blog. I truly appreciate you.

See what bands performed:

PS-aren't you obbssed with my friends Boston Terrier purse like I am? Perhaps it's because I own one too. 


Professional Fashion / Zach Bauman Behind the Scenes Fashion Shoot

Monday, April 14, 2014


Here is a sneak peak of my first professional fashion shoot with
My friend at Zach Bauman at helped take a few of the behind the scene photographs for me yesterday. I had NO idea how much work modeling was! I was wearing this heavy fabric, trying to focus on making a pretty face, and moving the fabric to take a pretty shot. It was nuts! SO excited to see the finished photographs and to share them with you all! Stayed tuned for a FULL post soon. The fashion concept was moving fabric and my version of the "little black dress."

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


I was out and about in Kansas City for work when I was approached by Ryan Sellers who runs a website called True KC. He's trying to get out there and really capture images of people in Kansas City. I love this idea and I'm sure Ryan is inspired by other great websites such as Humans of New York He snapped a no make-up kind of day running around for work and I think the photo turned out pretty swell. My trench coat is vintage Brooks Brothers, my shoes are Missoni for Target, and my purse is Kate Spade. I have a lot of posts coming up soon and have a professional photo shoot of myself on Sunday. Stay tuned and go check out

Photo by: Ryan Sellers of


Robin Givhan/Fashion Pulitzer Prize Winner-Kansas City Central Public Library

Monday, December 9, 2013

Hi readers!

I was excited a few photos with you after attending the event for Robin Givhan. Here is a little description about the event from (Source: KC Library Robin Givhan). I was really nervous to meet her and I was even more nervous on how to dress for her. I have determined after meeting Ms. Givhan that she prefers to wear: a little black dress, her intellectual pair of glasses, and a pair of signature/designer shoes.

Givhan discusses the nexus of fashion and politics with Time magazine editor-at-large David Von Drehle in When Fashion Meets Power, the sixth and final 2013 presentation in the Library’s series Dateline: Washington with David Von Drehle, which provides an insider’s look at key issues in Washington, D.C., through the eyes of America’s top journalists.
Robin Givhan never planned to write fashion criticism.
“I don’t know of any fashion writer — working for a newspaper, anyway — for whom becoming a fashion writer was their ultimate goal,” she says.
“People who are passionately interested in fashion go directly to fashion magazines.
“My first love was writing and journalism. I wanted to be a newspaper writer. I fell into fashion almost by happenstance.”
Obviously it was more than mere happenstance that led to Givhan winning the 2006 Pulitzer Prize for criticism for her fashion coverage inThe Washington Post. The award committee cited her “witty, closely observed essays that transform fashion criticism into cultural criticism.”
Dateline Washington: When Fashion Meets Power
Thursday, December 5, 2013, at 6:30 p.m. at theCentral Library, 14 W. 10th St.
6 p.m. reception precedes the event. Free parking is available at the Library District Parking Garage at 10th & Baltimore.
RSVP online or call 816.701.3407
Told by an interviewer that he was in awe of her Pulitzer Prize, Givhan laughs and replies, “I know. I’m in awe of it, too!”
I was determined to ask a question so I was one of the lucky six people that were able to ask her a question at the end of the evening. I asked "With disposable fashion these days do you have a signature piece of clothing/fashion that you wouldn't give up and love?" She didn't really answer it directly but let me know that she doesn't prefer the term disposable fashion and does like to invest in higher quality pieces.

These public events are funny because people either want to talk about their "fashion or business" instead of sticking to just a question; people are also quick to flatter a speaker. I don't know how many times that night people spoke about her winning the only Pulitzer Prize ever for a fashion writer. Please, don't get me wrong, that is an amazing accomplishment but after hearing it ten times I got the point.

Enjoy the few photos I was able to sneak during the night and I am excited to attend more fashionable events in Kansas City. (Even if the weather was less than perfect)



Clinton Lake-Beach Day

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Hello readers,

The other weekend we went to Clinton Lake with a few friends. It was a spontaneous moment where we wanted to enjoy the summer and the beach for a bit longer. Rob and I were already missing LA so if we could go to a fake beach to pretend we were still in LA why not? Note to readers: Clinton Lake did have that squishy lake feeling so it WAS NOT A BEACH. (I think I felt a fish nibble my toe too so THAT was fun)

We went shopping in Lawrence at The Hyvee and purchased way too much food for just five people. We have gotten a littler wiser lately, instead of eating it all for lunch, we decided to grill out for dinner too. We ate, swam, played freakin' hot sand volleyball, had a few beers, had a few more beers, drank water, rinsed off, and got home before sundown. It was a really nice trip and I'm glad we have spontaneous friends. 

PS-More photos from visiting a Daft Punk Tribute Band and getting to meet Rebecca Minkoff tonight at KC Halls. Lots of fun stuff coming your way readers!


Thursday, July 11, 2013

Hello readers!

I have been keeping a secret for about a month and finally I can tell you. My husband Rob Mitchell and I are featured in a fashion article in Kansas City's newspaper INK KC. We had such a blast shooting for this article and talking about why we enjoy fashion. IE-What is in our closet, what are we wearing, who are our influences, and what is our favorite fashion piece we own. Go to the article to read more.

I think this is going to be a great thing for my blog and I have been invited to join a KC Blogger Group. I am not going anywhere soon and I hope you stay around to read/follow/share with me too on this fashion journey. Thanks for reading. Love you all!

BTW-I have some more exciting things lined up for my blog soon including a guest post in August on a great DIY blog and a fashion shoot with my friend where I get to show off all my pretty clothing. Stay tuned!


18th Street Fashion Show-Behind the Scenes Part II

Thursday, June 20, 2013


Sorry for the delay from my last post to my current one but I have been busy working on my video. We should have Sara Cramer's interview up soon! Mean while here are some fun shots of "behind the scenes" of both Sarah/Sara's getting ready for their big day! The girls got ready all day at Jamie Miller Hair Parlour. I was able to hang out with the models, chit chat with both designers, and get some amazing video footage that day. They had a beautiful show and I can't wait to show you the videos soon!



18th Street Fashion Show-Behind the Scenes Part I

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


It really has been an honor and a pleasure documenting my friend's Sarah Nelsen and Sara Cramer for The 18th Street Fashion Show. For legal reasons I couldn't publish my photos earlier but now that show has happened I am excited to show you some of their amazing work. I always forget the extensive creative process it takes for a fashion show: creation, 1st review, re-working a piece, and having a finished product. I was so proud of my friend's working together and coming up with such an amazing collection that everyone fell in love with KC fashion. The 18th Street Fashion Show this year seems at a much more professional level from presentation, styling, runway set-up, and the quality/fabrication of the garments. I am working on completing my video for an exclusive view of both Sarah/Sara's work from both of their studios, the day of the show, and the fashion show. I think it will be trilogy video of those things mentioned above and I am really excited about the video portion for my readers! The video below is from my good friend Sheppa and I think it is so badass. This wasn't shown at GILDED SUMMER but I think it should've been shown at some point. It seemed to fit right in next to the Gold Metallic Mini-Cooper on display.   Enjoy it until I get my three videos up soon!

GILDED SUMMER - The 13th Annual West 18th Street Fashion Show from BODY2BODY on Vimeo. (Used with permission from Sheppa) (See credits for video at the end)

Theme of The 18th Street Fashion Show/GILDED SUMMER:
  • This period refers to the latter half of the 19th century, when many great fortunes were made and the rich celebrated wealth as never before. Widespread economic growth lead to the belief that anything was possible, and millions flocked to the United States from Europe attracted to industrial and technological advances. Two areas of major growth were railroads and coal mining. In 1896 the First Transcontinental Railroad opened, linking the coasts and making it possible to travel from New York to San Francisco in a matter of days, instead of months. Though invention and industry ruled the day, underneath the glittering surface of prosperity, lay an underbelly of corruption, greed, and vulgarity. Many of the super-rich, businessmen such as John D. Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt, who made their fortunes during this time, were perceived to have attained their wealth through shady business dealings and illegitimate means. Mark Twain famously coined the term “Gilded Age” to satirize the era, referring to serious social problems masked by a thin layer of gold. 
Page 1 of the Press Release of The 18th Street Fashion Show: